My fifth and final update of my drawing of an 1860s-era steam locomotive, 4-4-0 configuration. I am excited that a revival of sorts has been taking place in restoring some of these workhorses of our country’s past. The Leviathan, number 63, is one of these projects I have been following. In fact, I modeled this drawing after it.
David H. Kloke has lovingly created this locomotive over a 10-year period. From his website:
Of David’s many accomplishments through the years, the Leviathan63 is his pride and joy. His “hobby” took him 10 years to create and it “WOWS” everyone who sees and hears it. The Leviathan63 is truly a beautiful sight!
With the help of many a non-profit organization has been created named Historic Railroad Equipment Assoc. Through donations he hopes to rebuild and replicate several historic railroad equipment for educational purposes. He can make this possible with donations from people like you.
Here is video of no. 63, the Leviathan: